One on One Coaching

direct sales coachingI am here to tell you, it IS possible to sort out all the pieces of the puzzle of your life and move them around and come up with a whole NEW picture that you could never have anticipated! One with purpose!! One FILLED with possibilities!

I would be honoured to walk this journey with you, one on one, as you discover your next adventure! Let’s get started!

You will be supported by:

  • 4 (45) minute coaching and mentoring sessions each month
  • helping you create a step by step plan to live into your purpose
  • build a plan to help you keep the important, important
  • holding you accountable for decisions you have made
  • offering unlimited email support

On a retainer at a fee of $350/month (3 month commitment recommended)

Let’s set a date and time for a Discovery Call and get you started! Connect with me at today! Looking forward to chatting!

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